Temporary faculty unit employees (both full- and part-time lecturers) are subject to periodic evaluations as outlined in the CFA/CSU Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Each College is responsible for overseeing the evaluation of full-time and part-time lecturers. Your department and/or College will inform you about the department's standards, timelines, and the materials needed for review by the department chair, peer review committee (composed of tenured faculty), and the relevant administrator. Your department chair will provide the necessary information to help you prepare for the periodic lecturer evaluation. For further details or assistance, please reach out to your department chair.
Lecturers with appointments in multiple programs or departments will be evaluated by each program or department where they hold an appointment.
Lecturers Holding a (One Semester or Less) Appointment
A lecturer appointed for one semester or less shall be evaluated at the discretion of the department chair, or at the discretion of the appropriate administrator. The Lecturer may request that an evaluation be performed.
Lecturers Holding a (1-Year) Appointment
Lecturers (full-time and part-time) appointed for two (2) semesters or more, regardless of break in service, must be evaluated in accordance with the periodic evaluation procedure.
Lecturers Holding or Eligible for a (3-Year Contract) Appointment
Lecturers (full-time and part-time) holding three-year appointments shall be evaluated in the 3rd year of the appointment but may be evaluated more frequently. The evaluation shall consider the entire 3-year appointment period. The ratings are either satisfactory or unsatisfactory.
Lecturers (full-time and part-time) who are eligible for a 3-year contract shall be evaluated in the academic year preceding the issuance of a 3-year appointment. The evaluation shall consider the entire cumulative (6-years) qualifying period for the 3-year appointment. The ratings are either satisfactory or unsatisfactory.
A copy of the written evaluation shall be given to the lecturer faculty being evaluated and s/he shall have ten days to respond and/or request a meeting. A copy of the evaluation shall be placed in the lecturer faculty Personnel Action File (PAF).
For further information on the periodic evaluation, please review Article 15 of the Unit 3 (CFA) Collective Bargaining Agreement.
CSUDH/CFA COVID-19 Agreement on Lecturer Evaluations and Appointments
The University and CFA have been working together to address the issue of one-year and three-year lecturer evaluations and entitlements that may have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. To that end, the University and CFA have reached a Campus Agreement.
If you should have any questions or would like further clarification, we encourage you to contact:
2020-2021 Guide for Peer Observation
For 2020-21, consideration of how COVID-19 has affected teaching is paramount. During the emergency conditions, peer teaching observations should not be the only factor used in making any long-term personnel decisions. For this reason, a guide for peer observation of online synchronous and asynchronous classes has been developed.
For more information, please download the Guide for Peer Observation of Online Synchronous and Asynchronous Classes [PDF].
Faculty Affairs and Development: COVID-19 Information and Documents
For more information related to evaluations, please go to http://gsuj.vko29.com/faculty-affairs/faculty-forms-and-documents/.